Thursday, April 06, 2006

PigVision images to be reanalysed

Morten Birkholm, who participated in the PigVision project as an employee at Videometer, is currently participating in a course at IMM at the Danish Technical University. As a project in that course he wants to reanalyse the pig images from the experimental setup at Grønhøj. Originally the images were analysed using Active Shape Models (ASM), and now he wants to apply Active Appearence Modelling (AAM) to the images. I have sent him the approximately 1000 images with corresponding weights, and I look forward to see the results in the beginning of June. If you visit Tim Cootes' home page you can find more information about the techniques. By the way, tomorrow I am censor on master thesis about delivery strategies for slaughter pigs. Another off-spring of the PigVision project.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hei Erik
Could you use the results?